Princeton NuEnergy

Year Established
Number of Employees
1200 Florence Columbus Rd. Princeton NuEnergy Bordentown, NJ 08505 United States

Company Synopsis
Princeton NuEnergy (“PNE”) is an innovative clean-tech startup company spun out from Princeton University in 2019 focused on the direct recycling of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) from electric vehicles (EVs) and consumer electronics. This method of recycling LIBs uses a novel LPAS (low-temperature plasma-assisted separation) process capable of producing high-quality regenerated cathode and anode materials from spent LIBs via direct separation, purification, and regeneration. PNE’s technology brings new opportunities to recycle batteries with high energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and low environmental impact, thus accelerating the electrification of transportation and large-scale energy storage for renewable energy in the near future.
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Novel Low-temperature Plasma-assisted Separation Process (LPAS) Cathode-to-Cathode Anode-to-Anode Direct Recycling PlasmaBatt
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