NSF IUCRC Center for Solid-State Electric Power Storage (CEPS)

Year Established
Number of Employees
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 501 St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, South Dakota, 57701, United States
Contact NSF IUCRC Center for Solid-State Electric Power Storage (CEPS)
Email: [email protected]
Company Synopsis
CEPS is a federal center supported by NSF Industry University Cooperative Research (IUCRC) program.
Its goal is to eliminate the gap between academia and industry regarding implementation and fast transition of new battery technologies, battery supply chain, and battery integration.
The major CEPS goals are focused on:
(1) Pre-competitive research with CEPS industry partners from the U.S. and around the world
(2) Risks mitigation regarding new market-disruptive battery technologies
(3) Talent acquisition and energy workforce development
(4) IP generation for benefit of CEPS industrial members
Featured Products
- Lithium-ion battery solid-state electrolytes
- Polymer electrolytes for lithium- and sodium-ion batteries
- Polymer electrolytes for lithium- and sodium metal batteries
- Sodium-ion and lithium-ion/metal battery cathodes
- Silicon anodes for lithium-ion batteries
- Manufacturing approaches for lithium- and sodium- batteries
- Cold spray technology
- BMSs
NAATBatt Membership
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NAATBatt International (“NAATBatt”) is a not-for-profit trade associations of companies, associations and research institutions working to develop, commercialize and manufacture advanced battery technology in North America