LiCAP Technologies, Inc.

Year Established
Number of Employees
9795 Busines Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95827, United States
Contact LiCAP Technologies, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Company Synopsis
LiCAP is a leading developer of the world’s most sustainable and cost-effective electrode manufacturing platform that will be a game changer for developers of solid-state batteries, lithium-ion batteries, lithium-ion capacitors, and ultracapacitors. LiCAP’ core technology, Activated Dry ElectrodeTM, removes toxic NMP solvent from manufacturing, removes drying step and solvent recovery from electrode materials processing, reduces capital equipment, enables direct recycling of electrode scrap materials, and produces premium electrodes with ultra-high energy density and fast charging capability.
Co-founded and led by the original inventor of the “dry electrode” technology, LiCAP is headquartered in Sacramento, California and operates the world’s fastest commercial dry coating line for ultracapacitor manufacturing and a pilot line for lithium-ion battery manufacturing. To learn more, visit
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