Indie Power Systems

Year Established
Plano, Texas

Company Synopsis
Indie Power Systems designs and builds full-stack energy management systems. This included energy management software, power electronics hardware, and Battery Management Systems. Battery Management Systems include the software and hardware for Battery Energy Storage Systems.
Our Battery Energy Storage Systems can integrate any combination of battery chemistries, new and/or used.
Indie Power Systems was the first to deliver a Hybrid Battery Energy Storage System comprised of Secondary-use Pb-A batteries and new Li-ion.
Indie Power Systems was also the first to deliver a 100% Secondary-use commercial Battery Energy Storage System integrating 208 used Camry Hybrid Vehicle batteries.
Indie Power Systems was the first to develop a true “plug and play” BMS for BEV secondary-use Li-ion batteries.
Featured Products
Battery Management Systems Energy Storage Systems Secondary-use Battery Energy Storage Energy Management Power Electronics Hardware Energy Management Software Microgrid Management Systems EV Charging Stations
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