Electric Applications Incorporated

Year Established
Number of Employees
Phoenix, Arizona

Company Synopsis
Electric Applications Incorporated (EAI) has extensive expertise and experience in battery certification testing, performance evaluation and application development. With over 100 years of battery research, design and testing experience embodied in its senior staff, EAI conducts work for battery manufacturers, battery product integrators, and battery users, as well as for the battery industry though its participation in industry organizations and work with United States National Laboratories. EAI supports its work with a state-of-the-art battery testing laboratory at its headquarters near downtown Phoenix. The EAI laboratory is capable of a full range of battery testing and application simulation for a variety of advanced battery chemistries including lead acid, lead carbon, nickel metal hydride, nickel cadmium, nickel zinc and a variety of lithium chemistries.
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Battery Certification Testing Battery Performance Evaluation Applications Development Product Development Systems Development Battery Research Industry Support
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