Dorey Converting Systems – DCS/USA

Year Established
Morrisville, Missouri

Company Synopsis
DCS USA is a provider of converting equipment uniquely designed for processing ultra thin and delicate materials involved in converting and assembling individual battery cells. Multi-layer, complex and high value product manufacturing is our specialty. DCS have many years of experience handling the toughest materials and integrating various devices in order to make a complete product in one pass to maximize productivity. The technology and materials are evolving rapidly, and manufacturing electronics, batteries, medical parts calls for the most demanding materials under strict specifications.
Featured Products
Roll to Roll Servo Converting Equipment Roll to Sheet Servo Converting Equipment Laser cutting and Ablation for Electrode processing Laser cutting for Separator Lamination of Separator to Anode Lamination of Separator to Cathode Pilot lines to Full scale production lines
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NAATBatt International (“NAATBatt”) is a not-for-profit trade associations of companies, associations and research institutions working to develop, commercialize and manufacture advanced battery technology in North America