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1455 Adams Dr, Suite 1630, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, United States
Contact Aether
Email: [email protected]Company Synopsis
Aether is building a future of abundance for humankind in a post-scarcity world. Powered by the world's highest throughput robotic laboratory, the company is generating data on scales previously not possible to feed deep AI algorithms. Aether’s platform uses nanotechnology to custom engineer enzymes into general-purpose atomic assemblers that can synthesize new molecules from commonly found chemicals, unlocking materials, therapeutics, products, and environmental strategies previously unimaginable.
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Aether’s bio-inspired DLE solution is based on stable and selective peptides (99.99%). These peptides can operate cost-effectively in brines with high concentrations of various contaminants (e.g., metal ions, silicates) and – depending on existing pre-processing infrastructure – with lithium concentrations as low as 40 ppm. They will also function within a broad range of pH (2-11) and temperatures (20-90 °C) with marginal change in activity. Depending on the exact resource composition, our peptide-based process will be able to directly yield battery-grade (99.5% purity) lithium carbonate or lithium hydroxide, greatly reducing downstream processing costs. The unparalleled selectivity of our process provides access to brines/conditions that cannot be accessed with today’s upcoming direct lithium extraction technologies.
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